Registration process for the Academic Year 2025-2026 has commenced! You may Apply Online or call on 021 35250068-9 to request an appointment with the Admissions Manager.


February 12, 2023

Education Bay School was thrilled to arrange one of its most awaited events earlier in Feburary, the Limelight Theatre 2023! The event aimed to bring forward our enormously talented student body along with the portrayal of utmost dedication by our teachers! Education Bay School believes it is their duty to provide students with a platform to learn as well as spread messages of moral guidance. This year’s theatre included many plays, skits and performances that talked about important topics such as “Save the Earth”, “Words can hurt”, “Disadvantages of Vaping” and “Everyday Shortcomings”.

The event could not have been completed without the tableau – “Allah Made Everything” and a few lighthearted skits like “The Comedy about Bank Robbery”, “Urdu Mushaira”, “Anokha Darbar” and “Mind Your Language”. Alhamdulliah, the event received great feedback by our parent body and we hope to deliver even better in the years to come!